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"Dark Horse" by Katy Perry is featured on Just Dance Hits.

Appearance of the Dancers[]


The couch is a woman. She has turquoise poofy hair with red highlights, an Egyptian crown colored in the shades of the outfit, a red like bra shaped top, a turquoise long skirt with no fabric on front and a big red design, tied with gold chains like a belt. As for footwear, she has gold bejeweled sandals with heels on. During the bridge she has the same outfit as in the verses, but with a black skin and neon outlines. During the bridge she has the same outfit as in the verses, but with a black skin and neon outlines


During the chorus, her outfit transforms into a different outfit with gold skin, she is in a golden bodysuit bejeweled with decorations.

Backup Dancers[]

The backup dancers are female cat dancers similar to the music video. Their skin is reddish brown and they wear light blue tops and skirts with dark blue and gold highlights. Their hair is dark blue cut in a bob style having an ombre effect changing to light blue.

During the chorus, they become male servants with blue skin similar to the music video and are wearing necklaces and purple shorts and shoes. They appear as shirtless. During the bridge, they have neon color schemes with neon red and purple pants and black skin with red light shadings.


The background seems to have come from the music video. There's a red carpet within a sand fortress and it takes place within a desert. During the chorus, pyramids appear with a color blue in the top and bottom of a pyramid in a dark sky in the background.

Gold Moves[]


There are 3 Gold Moves in the Classic routine, all of which are the same:

All Gold Moves: Cross your arms over your chest and then shake your head during the line. Gold Move 3 is the final move of the routine.

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The song has a mashup with gold moves, and there are 3:

Gold Move 1 and 2: Bend over and put both your hands behind you while semi-crouching. (She Wolf (Falling to Pieces))

Gold Move 3: Cross your arms over your chest, and then shake your head. (Dark Horse [P2])

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Dark Horse has a mashup that was seen in the game files of Just Dance Hits.


[GM#] - indicates a Gold Move. The # refers to the Gold Move's number.


  • The game uses the Just Dance 2015 album coach rather that the Unlimited one.
  • The mashup was in some of the Just Dance Hits videos, including the gameplay of this song. It is below the tracklist.


Game Files[]

In-Game Screenshots[]

